Net Sentiment
Net Sentiment
Net Sentiment is a score that can be used to show how a product is performing online. The metric is determined by weighing the number of positive and negative reviews for the product. A higher net sentiment means there are more positive than negative reviews, and a lower net sentiment means that there is a higher ratio of negative to positive reviews. Comparing the net sentiment across time periods can help show whether a product’s performance is improving or worsening.
The Net Sentiment Shift component shows how the net sentiment score from the last seven days has changed compared to the average net sentiment across the last 35 days.
If the score is increasing, then there is more positive sentiment over the past seven days. If the score is decreasing, then there is more negativity over the past seven days. If there is no shift in net sentiment, then that means that your product’s reviews over the past seven days have the same ratio of positive versus negative reviews as the past 35 days.
Note that the last seven days refers to the previous week before the most recent review in your selected date range was posted.